COVID Pandemic Precautions
Our goal is to make our dance sessions as safe and stress-free as possible for everyone who might attend.
Please review the guidelines for the type of event you are considering attending, whether it is an outdoor event, an indoor one, or a residential retreat.
Contact us if you have any questions about our guidelines.
Guidelines and Precautions for Residential Retreat
Please consider that our goal is to make this retreat as safe and stress-free as possible. Please note the following guidelines: (subject to change as needed based on current conditions):
● If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness prior to the retreat (fever, cough, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion etc), please don't come!
● We are asking all participants to do a self-test before traveling to a residential retreat. Additionally, we ask that participants to complete a daily rapid test every morning, before joining the group for the day. Please bring enough tests to complete all required testing. We are not able to supply tests. We do not want to see these tests but will trust that you have tested negative each day.
● We will have a sign-in sheet at all dances. When you sign in at the Dances, you are acknowledging that you have tested negative for COVID on the day of the dance and that you agree to participate in dance related contact tracing. We will be using the sign in sheet for contact tracing if someone tests positive in the week after the dance.
● If you have been exposed to Covid or if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid within the past 5 days, please do not come to the retreat. For reference, this CDC Quarantine and Isolation calculator may be helpful: ( This requirement applies even if your rapid test is negative.
During the Dance Retreat:
● We will be dancing in a circle, holding hands, and singing together. We are thoughtfully choosing dances that minimize sharing of breath. We will be considering the use of hand sanitizer and/or hand washing between dances.
● When we are not dancing, you may choose to social distance or use other precautions (masks, declining hugs, etc) as you are comfortable. Please know that others will probably have their own standards and we ask that you be respectful.
● We are asking retreat participants to refrain from eating in restaurants during the retreat and to wear a mask if entering off-site indoor spaces.
Version 4: January, 2023
Guidelines and Precautions for Outdoor Events
We do not currently have any outdoor events scheduled, but when we do, you will find information here about the most current version of our guidelines.
Guidelines and Precautions for Indoor Events
● If you are experiencing any symptoms of any illness prior to the indoor dance session (fever, cough, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, etc), please don't come!
● We are asking all participants to take a COVID test on the day of the dance. Please stay home if your test is positive even if you have no symptoms.
● We will have a sign-in sheet at all dances. When you sign in at the Dances, you are acknowledging that you have tested negative for COVID on the day of the dance and that you agree to participate in dance-related contact tracing. We will
be using the sign-in sheet for contact tracing if someone tests positive in the week after the dance.
During the Dance Session:
● We will be dancing in a circle, holding hands, and singing together. We are thoughtfully choosing dances that minimize sharing of breath. We will consider the use of hand sanitizer and/or hand washing between dances.
● When we are not dancing, you may wish to social distance or use other precautions (masks, declining hugs, etc) as you are comfortable. Please know that others will probably have their own standards and we ask that you be respectful.
Thank you for doing your part in creating a safe and comfortable environment for all!
Version 3: October 2022
If you are concerned about limiting your exposure to COVID, here are some suggestions:
For 10 days before the event starts:
● Avoid crowds and crowded indoor gatherings.
● Limit non-essential activities like going to the hair salon, massages, gyms etc.
● Use caution for all interactions with others before the retreat.
● Wear a KN95 or N95 mask in public places and socially distance during this time. This is especially important if your county of residence is deemed to be of medium or high risk for COVID transmission. See the following website for more information: