About Us
Our Mission
Peace Bridges Sufi Community
supports individuals in both local and global communities as they explore their spiritual evolution and growth.
We provide opportunities for others to learn
about Universal Sufism through the Dances of Universal Peace and
through the teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan and Samuel Lewis.
O u r L e a d e r s h i p
We welcome a shared leadership style that encourages the talents and
gifts of each person.
We have a Board of Directors who make the practical and program decisions throughout the year.
Yasmin Haut, a student of
Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz,
has been our steady guide for 30 years.
Whether leading the Dances of Universal Peace, Retreats, or Classes
her knowledge and skills are greatly appreciated.
Our Community
We are based in Camp Hill on the western shore of the Susquehanna,
across from Harrisburg,
in Central Pennsylvania's
Cumberland County.
We offer Dances of Universal Peace, weekend retreats, and at times,
one-day retreats locally.
Local participants attend along with folks from the east coast region.
With the Zoom network, we now have national and international participants.
We welcome all to join in the activities.
Land Acknowledgement
It is with gratitude that we take a moment to acknowledge and pay our respect to the Native peoples of our Cumberland County area,
including but not limited to the Susquehannock and Lenape tribes - past, present, and future -
and their continuing presence in this, their homeland.
Shine Your Light
"The soul is light, the mind is light and
the body is light ~ light of different grades;
and it is this relation which connects humanity
with the planets and stars."
Hazrat Inayat Khan